Welcome to our Blog!


We hope to share content that is relevant to the employee ownership community as well as those just learning about this work. There are so many exciting developments happening around the country and we want to offer our thought leadership and expertise as the awareness grows for new economic solutions that promote economic justice.


New to Employee Ownership?

Don’t worry if you are new to employee ownership and hearing about cooperatives. We want this blog to:

  • → Be a tool for planning the sale of your business
  • → Hear directly from experts on the steps for successfully converting to a worker-owned cooperative
  • → Tips for how to deal with governance, open-book management, and culture building

Diverse Topics & Industries

  • We’ll be covering as many different aspects of employee ownership including sectors that are near to our hearts like home care, child care, and cannabis.

 Thank you for reading and we’ll see you back here soon.